Can't find what you're looking for? Below you'll find a list of all our pages.
Click on "Who we are" to know more about our services or on "Contact us" for referral information and contact details of each team.
"What we help with" will provide you with information about conditions we can assess and help with by giving tips and advice.
Lastly, click on Resources for links and useful information about partners, charities and local organisations that might be able to help you or your child coping with mental health issues.
- Advice
- Back to School
- CAMHS – Website Feedback
- COVID-19: CAMHS Dorset Support
- Guided Self Help – Activate
- Guided Self Help – Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Workshop
- Guided Self Help – Managing your Child’s Anxiety
- Guided Self Help – sleep well
- Guided Self Help – Thinking Differently
- Guided Self Help – Understanding Self-Harm Together (US Together)
- Guided Self Help – Worry Management
- Home
- Real stories
- Self help ideas
- Welcome to CAMHS
- About CAMHS
- CAMHS Gateway
- Mental Health Support Team (MHST) in Schools
- Pebble Lodge Adolescent Inpatient Service
- Reviews
- Who else can help?
- Who works in CAMHS?
- About your CAMHS appointment
- Who do we help?
- How do we help?
- What can we help with?
- What is mental health?
- Addictions
- Anxiety disorders
- Attachment difficulties
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Behavioural disorders
- Bipolar disorder
- Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
- Depression
- Gender identity
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Phobias
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Psychosis
- Selective mutism
- Tics and Tourette’s syndrome
- Anger and Behavioural difficulties
- Anxiety and Stress
- Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- Bereavement
- Self harm
- Bullying
- Eating difficulties
- Family and relationship difficulties
- Hearing voices
- Low Self Esteem Confidence
- Self-harm and suicidal thoughts
- Trauma and abuse
- I’m a young person
- Feelings & emotions
- Drugs and alcohol
- Facing family problems
- Feeling angry
- Feeling different
- Feeling like hurting yourself
- Feeling lonely or isolated
- Feeling really low or sad
- Feeling really stressed, worried or anxious
- Feeling tired
- Has someone close to you died?
- Looking after someone else
- Moving into adult care
- Self image
- Something bad has happened to me
- Worried about an eating disorder
- Worried about bullying
- Staying safe
- Getting the support you need
- Looking after yourself
- Real stories
- Feelings & emotions
- I’m a parent or carer
- I’m a professional
- Contact us
- Accessibility
- Sitemap
- Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy