Family and relationship difficulties

Children and young people

If you are a young person and are concerned about your mental health, talking to someone who knows you – such as your parents, carers or a teacher – is a good place to start. Together, you can then contact a GP, school nurse (you can text them directly at 07480 635511) or social worker, who can advise on the sort of help you might need. If appropriate, they will arrange an appointment for you with CAMHS.

The first appointment with CAMHS will last about an hour. We will want to get know you and your family, understand your problems and work out ways of dealing with them. Various approaches may be suggested, such as one-to-one therapy, family therapy, individual work with a parent and sometimes medication. The aim is to tailor a package of care appropriate to your needs.


Parents and carers

If you are a parent/carer of a young person and you have concerns about their mental health and emotional wellbeing, you can speak to a range of professionals. These include GPs, teachers, school nurses, primary mental health workers, social workers, educational welfare officers, behavioural support workers and educational psychologists, as well as paediatrics and adult mental health staff.

If they agree that your child needs to be referred to CAMHS, they will make the necessary arrangements.

Further information about our services, along with referral forms for professionals, can be found at