Make a referral to CAMHS

This part of the website provides referral information for professionals from healthcare, local authorities and the voluntary sector who work with children and young people.

If you are a young person and are looking for information on how to get referred to CAMHS, talk to your GP, school nurse or, for example, someone you trust at school - find advice about getting support here. They will discuss it with you and then help you get referred and meet us, if that's appropriate.

We provide assessment and treatment to children and young people aged up to 18 years (and their families) who are experiencing significant impairment due to mental illness, or persisting emotional and behavioural difficulties which have not responded to interventions in primary care.

  • To make a referral please complete the online referral form below to enable the team to screen appropriately.
  • Looked after Children or young people under a special guardianship order, should continue to follow the CAMHS LAC pathway, and following consultation with the CAMHS CiC Team go through to the C-CAMHS Teams.
  • If you are concerned about whether a referral is appropriate, our team members are happy to offer telephone consultation and advice to referrers. Please see the Contact Us section for details on how to get in touch.

There is a self referral online form below for young people aged 16-18 years to use if they wish to.

If you are over 18, please visit the Steps2Wellbeing website where you will find information about this service and how to access it.

For urgent mental health support, please call our Connection service which is open 24/7. Dorset residents or people visiting Dorset can call direct on 0800 652 0190 at local call rate or access via NHS 111 for free. More information on our Access Mental Services is available on the Dorset HealthCare website.